

My First Thanksgiving

I’ve never been a big Thanksgiving guy. I find the meal to be bland, every element of it. Turkey? Eh. Gravy? Intestinal concrete. Mashed potatoes. Paste. Cranberry sauce is particularly morbid to me. I find [...]

November 25th, 2020|

Post-Election, Your Kids Need Hope

It’s Sunday night, late. Election day is Tuesday. Julie just pointed out the degree to which I’ve been all over the map emotionally today. I’m on Twitter running numbers in swing states. I’m optimistic. I’m [...]

November 2nd, 2020|

Fourth Quarter

For my clients, myself and my family, 2020 has offered a patchwork quilt of emotions, most of them painfully negative, the vast majority of which we could never have predicted as we rang in the [...]

September 29th, 2020|

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