Stocking Stuff
Stuff. It's so deceptive, you know? A few years ago, I was eyeing the newest, hottest Mac laptop computer. Sleek, steely, wildly hip. Believed that once I had that, well, then all the pieces will [...]
The Heartbreak Kids
Over the past few months, I've noticed something interesting about teen relationships. They seem to have become, well, relationships again. Over the past several years, there has been a trend toward hanging out in packs, [...]
Nordic Track
I usually head out for a quick run in the mornings. I tend to make this a pensive, insular, entirely solitary experience. The last thing I want to do is make small talk with somebody [...]
Fear Factor
"I'm so scared all the time. Before kids, I was never scared. Ever." In fact, this mom tells me she was a real risk-taker "back in the day," a true daredevil. She climbed mountains. She [...]
Is the Sky the Limit?
What were you told you were incapable of as a kid? Math? Singing? Running? Basketball? How many times did you have to hear it before you believed it, before you owned it entirely? Today I [...]
The Mandate for Parents of Young Children: Availability
As his parent, you provide all of the context for the life of your young child. You are his life. You decide what he does, and when. Every person and situation he is exposed to [...]
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