

Foster the Big Moment: A Parent’s Mandate

February 12th, 2014|

My son George is a high school swimmer. He was a swimmer, I should say. The area Conference meet was held this past weekend, which also marked the final meet of George's high school career. [...]

Nurturing Your Inner Adult

November 12th, 2011|

I have a brilliant young client who, in a burst of insight, offered the following in a recent session: "When you spend all of your time nurturing your inner child, you are that child." Man, [...]

The Bright September Sun: Teenagers Remember 9/11

September 8th, 2011|

There is hope. Those of us who were normal workaday adults on Sept. 10, 2001, making lunches, sitting in traffic, watching the clock, checking inventory, we remember. That was the last ordinary day. The fear, [...]

The Case for the Family Vacation

August 7th, 2011|

I write this from the road, literally. I am in the midst of a good old-fashioned family road trip. Now, the nature of my work dictates that I spend a lot of time thinking about [...]

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