
The Mandate for Parents of Young Children: Availability

As his parent, you provide all of the context for the life of your young child. You are his life. You decide what he does, and when. Every person and situation he is exposed to falls within your purview. Everything that comes through his senses to his mind – every bit of it is provided [...]


Bad Seed?

"What do I do if I can't stand my kid?" This question was posed to me by the father of a teenage boy recently. His son is all "punked-out", as this dad put it. He doesn't really try very hard in school. There's the skateboarding and the earrings. His clothes are too big. And for [...]


Viva la Southern Wisconsin

As the first verses of "Lovers in Japan" give way to the chorus, Coldplay launches thousands of colorful paper butterflies into the audience. And I mean thousands, tens, maybe hundreds of thousands. And the butterfly cannons are re-loaded for the second chorus. Then the third. More butterflies each time. If I hadn't attended a recent [...]


A Fresh Take on Bullying

The Columbine massacre took place ten years ago this week. In the wake of that tragedy, many in my field went to work trying to determine the root causes. Gun control was an issue. Where were the parents? What preventive role should the school have played? When the dust settled, though, most of us concluded [...]


Good Night

For me, writing is a curious, sinewy, writhing joy of a process. As I continue to write, one issue I will almost certainly need to contend with involves, literally and ironically both, my availability to write what and when I need to write. It is not, for example, that the source material is there, logged [...]


No Accounting for Competence

I was asked yesterday to write a bit about self-esteem and confidence, how to foster these in teens. I found myself, time and again, returning to the word "competence". I realized that I use this word all the time. My online reference tool informs me that competence refers, quite simply, to the ability to do [...]


Everybody Loves Availability

I know a number of parent, Moms mostly (but Dads are not excluded), who feel a need to direct and re-direct every move of their children. The resulting chaos can sound much like a sitcom: highly entertaining, sometimes funny as hell. The only things missing are proper lighting and a laugh track. It often goes [...]


The Economics of Availability

These are difficult times. We hear this message quite a bit these days. Some variation seems to begin every article in the Business section of the paper, while the Classifieds dwindle. It appears to be the clarion call of a new president, and this was the hope and change guy! And if nothing else, we [...]

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